Refund policy

Any product returns must be the subject of a formal agreement between Creme & Noisette and the customer, and must be returned within 3 days of the agreement. After this period, no return will be taken into account.
The costs incurred by the return of this order are entirely the responsibility of the Buyer.

In case of non-conformity of the product, or if it is damaged at the reception of your order, please contact us directly by mail, with maximum information and by joining us with the visuals.

Any recovery accepted by Creme & Noisette, in the case of an apparent defect, will allow the customer to obtain the free replacement or return of an asset to his or her benefit, excluding any other compensation or damages.

The full refund of the order is made using the same payment method as that used by the purchaser within 14 days from the day of receipt of the returned products.